Cereal sweets
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Cereal sweets

Using the best raw materials

Ingredients: Star flour, sugar, solid vegetable oil, processed wheat bran, vanilla, baking powder, water.
Nutritional value of bran:

Wheat bran contains large amounts of phosphorous substances and vitamins E, B, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, which are essential for white and red blood cells. The best property of wheat bran, which has been known for a long time, is its fiber, which prevents constipation and obesity. Its second property is to induce a feeling of satiety. Another benefit of bran is reducing the absorption of cholesterol, which reduces blood fat and indirectly prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Bran also reduces the absorption of blood sugar and reduces the risk of diabetes. Zinc contained in wheat bran prevents premature hair loss and graying. The effects of recovery and regularity in excretion lead to the improvement of the overall health of the person, and including the skin of the body, especially the skin of the face, is clean and fresh, the person feels light and a state of mental balance is created for him.
Cereal sweets
green cardamom
Wheat bran

The main ingredient of this sweet is wheat bran, which is extremely nutritious, it provides all kinds of B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals, protein and fiber needed by the body, that's why it has a very high nutritional value.

Saler Company Information

Company : Zarshenas Fasa
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Cereal sweets

Using the best raw materials

Ingredients: Star flour, sugar, solid vegetable oil, processed wheat bran, vanilla, baking powder, water.
Nutritional value of bran:

Wheat bran contains large amounts of phosphorous substances and vitamins E, B, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, which are essential for white and red blood cells. The best property of wheat bran, which has been known for a long time, is its fiber, which prevents constipation and obesity. Its second property is to induce a feeling of satiety. Another benefit of bran is reducing the absorption of cholesterol, which reduces blood fat and indirectly prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Bran also reduces the absorption of blood sugar and reduces the risk of diabetes. Zinc contained in wheat bran prevents premature hair loss and graying. The effects of recovery and regularity in excretion lead to the improvement of the overall health of the person, and including the skin of the body, especially the skin of the face, is clean and fresh, the person feels light and a state of mental balance is created for him.
Cereal sweets
green cardamom
Wheat bran

The main ingredient of this sweet is wheat bran, which is extremely nutritious, it provides all kinds of B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals, protein and fiber needed by the body, that's why it has a very high nutritional value.

Saler Company Information

Company : Zarshenas Fasa
More Information : View
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