Sachet Honey
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Sachet Honey

Scientists believe that the use of antioxidant-rich buds can make the body more resistant to cell death and the spread of chronic diseases and cancers.

Research has shown that honey has many compounds with potential antioxidant potential.

The variety and amount of these antioxidant compounds vary greatly depending on the type of flower and the region from which honey is produced.

In general, dark honey is richer in antioxidant than light colored honey.

Honey and beneficial bacteria for the body

A group of bacteria is very good for the health of the gut. Hence they are called beneficial bacteria. Increasing the population of good bacteria and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria is very important for the health of the digestive tract.

Honey can be stimulated by the growth and activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria while preventing the growth of non-beneficial bacteria. It improves digestive health.

Research done at the University of Michigan shows that adding honey to fermented dairy products like yogurt can improve the growth, activity and ability of beneficial bacteria.

Honey and calcium absorption

Most people develop osteoporosis at an early age. One of the key strategies to reduce osteoporosis is to use calcium. Another very important point is the absorption of calcium in the body.

Studies show that honey increases the absorption of calcium in the body.

Honey and diabetics

In the past, diabetics were advised to avoid simple sugars like honey. Simple sugars were thought to cause a rapid and sudden rise in blood glucose and a rapid need for insulin.

Some have even thought that simple sugars cause diabetes, though not proven by scientific research.

In fact, some compound carbohydrates increase blood sugar more than simple sugars. Honey, however, changes blood glucose less than starches such as bread. In most cases, the total amount of carbohydrate consumed is more important than the type of carbohydrate consumed. Experts believe diabetics can limit the amount of simple sugars such as honey in their diet.

Saler Company Information

Company : Lawich Honey
Mobile : 00989126144969
Phone : 00982133904039
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Sachet Honey

Scientists believe that the use of antioxidant-rich buds can make the body more resistant to cell death and the spread of chronic diseases and cancers.

Research has shown that honey has many compounds with potential antioxidant potential.

The variety and amount of these antioxidant compounds vary greatly depending on the type of flower and the region from which honey is produced.

In general, dark honey is richer in antioxidant than light colored honey.

Honey and beneficial bacteria for the body

A group of bacteria is very good for the health of the gut. Hence they are called beneficial bacteria. Increasing the population of good bacteria and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria is very important for the health of the digestive tract.

Honey can be stimulated by the growth and activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria while preventing the growth of non-beneficial bacteria. It improves digestive health.

Research done at the University of Michigan shows that adding honey to fermented dairy products like yogurt can improve the growth, activity and ability of beneficial bacteria.

Honey and calcium absorption

Most people develop osteoporosis at an early age. One of the key strategies to reduce osteoporosis is to use calcium. Another very important point is the absorption of calcium in the body.

Studies show that honey increases the absorption of calcium in the body.

Honey and diabetics

In the past, diabetics were advised to avoid simple sugars like honey. Simple sugars were thought to cause a rapid and sudden rise in blood glucose and a rapid need for insulin.

Some have even thought that simple sugars cause diabetes, though not proven by scientific research.

In fact, some compound carbohydrates increase blood sugar more than simple sugars. Honey, however, changes blood glucose less than starches such as bread. In most cases, the total amount of carbohydrate consumed is more important than the type of carbohydrate consumed. Experts believe diabetics can limit the amount of simple sugars such as honey in their diet.

Saler Company Information

Company : Lawich Honey
Mobile : 00989126144969
Phone : 00982133904039
More Information : View
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