Bear Ketchup
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Bear Ketchup

Ketchup or Tomato, unlike compounds, has a long and far-reaching journey. The name Ketchup appears to have been derived from the Chinese language, meaning "fish sauce," but in the end, until the nineteenth century, in Europe, they called each chalk, a mixture of mushrooms, vinegar, and even walnut. What is now known as the Ketchup Sauce is called red or tomato sauce in Britain and Europe, but after the nineteenth century and World War II, the spread of American culture around the world replaced the name Ketchup with red sauce. The use of ketchup in the seventies of all American cuisine was so customary that, when President Richard Nixon announced in an interview that someone would like to eat breakfast with cheese and ketchup, you would not laugh at him! The base of tomato ketchup is cooked, but various ingredients including vinegar, garlic and various kinds of herbs are added to it and served in various foods with meat and vegetables.

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Company : Mahram production group
Phone : 00982188726194
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Bear Ketchup

Ketchup or Tomato, unlike compounds, has a long and far-reaching journey. The name Ketchup appears to have been derived from the Chinese language, meaning "fish sauce," but in the end, until the nineteenth century, in Europe, they called each chalk, a mixture of mushrooms, vinegar, and even walnut. What is now known as the Ketchup Sauce is called red or tomato sauce in Britain and Europe, but after the nineteenth century and World War II, the spread of American culture around the world replaced the name Ketchup with red sauce. The use of ketchup in the seventies of all American cuisine was so customary that, when President Richard Nixon announced in an interview that someone would like to eat breakfast with cheese and ketchup, you would not laugh at him! The base of tomato ketchup is cooked, but various ingredients including vinegar, garlic and various kinds of herbs are added to it and served in various foods with meat and vegetables.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mahram production group
Phone : 00982188726194
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