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To make the yoghurt, the pasteurized milk is briefly heated to 90° and then cooled down to 47°. At this temperature the yoghurt cultures are added. The yoghurt is filled by hand in 500 ml returnable jars, 5 l and 10 l buckets. Maturation takes place at 42° in the brood chamber. This process takes about four hours.

At the end, the yoghurt is cooled down to 3° and can be eaten.

Our yoghurt also has a positive side effect on your intestinal flora. It stimulates both the metabolism and digestion and thus contributes to a positive sense of well-being.

Saler Company Information

Company : Meierei Horst eG
Phone : 004941261213
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To make the yoghurt, the pasteurized milk is briefly heated to 90° and then cooled down to 47°. At this temperature the yoghurt cultures are added. The yoghurt is filled by hand in 500 ml returnable jars, 5 l and 10 l buckets. Maturation takes place at 42° in the brood chamber. This process takes about four hours.

At the end, the yoghurt is cooled down to 3° and can be eaten.

Our yoghurt also has a positive side effect on your intestinal flora. It stimulates both the metabolism and digestion and thus contributes to a positive sense of well-being.

Saler Company Information

Company : Meierei Horst eG
Phone : 004941261213
More Information : View
Online order registration form