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Grapes are one of the most potent fruits that God has created for mankind, and raisins are a hereditary raisin of countless grapevine properties. Raisins is one of the most loved snacks for many people in the world. Generally, each raisin unit is the result of drying four units of grapes. Therefore, the nutrients of a raisin unit are much more than a grape unit. Raisins are rich in iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins in group B, and is almost sodium-free. On the other hand, raisin has antioxidant properties and prevents cellular degradation. The fiber in the raisin prevents colon cancer and unusual cell growth and is useful for the treatment of stomach and constipation disorders, and eventually raisins, weakness, and ulcers are removed from the body. Raisins were produced in Iran and Egypt in 2000 BC. In ancient Rome, it was awarded as a prize to people who decorated the temples and donated to sports winners.
Iran's climatic variation promotes variety and variety of grapes. Therefore, considering different methods of grape drying, a very diverse variety of raisins is produced in Iran. Iran is the third largest raisin producing country in the world. Quality raisins are usually produced from grapes without seeds, but some coarse and tasty cultivars with high grain properties, usually used directly.
Raisins are mainly produced in four ways:
1. Sun raisins: After grazing, grapes are placed directly on the ground under sunlight to dry. The drying and preparation process of this type of raisin is completely natural and organic without any chemicals, and this is done using sunlight only, and then completely dry dried raisins under washing and separation conditions and grading And packed.
2. Sultana raisins or brine shrimp: After grafting, grapes are planted in an alkaline solution (usually sodium bicarbonate and raisin oil), then exposed to the sun on the ground to dry.
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3. Tiffany raisins: After graying, grapes are immersed in a teaspoon solution, then hang in the shade in order to dry.
4. Grape or golden raisins: After graying, grapes are immersed in an alkaline solution, then hang in the shade and completely closed on the special straps. The grapes are placed in the vicinity of sulfur dioxide gas to allow the coloring process to be carried out and for a certain period of time the closet is closed to make grapes a golden yellow raisin.
The raisins supplied by the company carry out all stages of washing and drying and blow-drying and sourcing in a completely hygienic process. Then, for any kind of microbial contamination, fungal or possibly residual pesticides and sulfur in the laboratory equipped with this company, control It is packaged and delivered after confirmation of the required quality.

Saler Company Information

Company : AmirKabir Borna
Phone : 00982122290528
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Grapes are one of the most potent fruits that God has created for mankind, and raisins are a hereditary raisin of countless grapevine properties. Raisins is one of the most loved snacks for many people in the world. Generally, each raisin unit is the result of drying four units of grapes. Therefore, the nutrients of a raisin unit are much more than a grape unit. Raisins are rich in iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins in group B, and is almost sodium-free. On the other hand, raisin has antioxidant properties and prevents cellular degradation. The fiber in the raisin prevents colon cancer and unusual cell growth and is useful for the treatment of stomach and constipation disorders, and eventually raisins, weakness, and ulcers are removed from the body. Raisins were produced in Iran and Egypt in 2000 BC. In ancient Rome, it was awarded as a prize to people who decorated the temples and donated to sports winners.
Iran's climatic variation promotes variety and variety of grapes. Therefore, considering different methods of grape drying, a very diverse variety of raisins is produced in Iran. Iran is the third largest raisin producing country in the world. Quality raisins are usually produced from grapes without seeds, but some coarse and tasty cultivars with high grain properties, usually used directly.
Raisins are mainly produced in four ways:
1. Sun raisins: After grazing, grapes are placed directly on the ground under sunlight to dry. The drying and preparation process of this type of raisin is completely natural and organic without any chemicals, and this is done using sunlight only, and then completely dry dried raisins under washing and separation conditions and grading And packed.
2. Sultana raisins or brine shrimp: After grafting, grapes are planted in an alkaline solution (usually sodium bicarbonate and raisin oil), then exposed to the sun on the ground to dry.
Click here to view the packaging.
3. Tiffany raisins: After graying, grapes are immersed in a teaspoon solution, then hang in the shade in order to dry.
4. Grape or golden raisins: After graying, grapes are immersed in an alkaline solution, then hang in the shade and completely closed on the special straps. The grapes are placed in the vicinity of sulfur dioxide gas to allow the coloring process to be carried out and for a certain period of time the closet is closed to make grapes a golden yellow raisin.
The raisins supplied by the company carry out all stages of washing and drying and blow-drying and sourcing in a completely hygienic process. Then, for any kind of microbial contamination, fungal or possibly residual pesticides and sulfur in the laboratory equipped with this company, control It is packaged and delivered after confirmation of the required quality.

Saler Company Information

Company : AmirKabir Borna
Phone : 00982122290528
More Information : View
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