Animal feed block (combination of bagasse and molasses)
Animal feed block (combination of bagasse and molasses)
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Animal feed block (combination of bagasse and molasses)

Caron animal feed should be stored in dry warehouses away from moisture and heat, and the shelf life of this product is up to one year.
Soak the Caron feed (in block form) before consumption by sprinkling water on it and give it to the animal after it softens and changes its state (open). Was.
For better yield, this feed can be mixed with 15% concentrate or with other compounds such as wheat bran, barley flour, corn, or soybean meal and cotton seed in the form of a rich and tonic concentrate with a very high nutritional value in ruminant feed. consumed
After mixing the Karun feed with other food, you can use 3 to 4% bone powder or calcium phosphate along with a vitamin supplement to provide the required vitamins.
This feed is used as agricultural waste in the concentrate factory.
This feed is the best substitute for wood fodder instead of straw and stubble, which, due to its enrichment by molasses, has a much higher nutritional value than the consumption of wood fodder alone.
In order to maximize feed efficiency and absorb more into the animal's body, it is better to supply some of the animal's ration through some fodder such as alfalfa, clover, sudangrass, etc.
In the end, it is recommended to always provide a sufficient amount of clean and unpolluted water to the livestock.

Saler Company Information

Company : KCF
Mobile : 00989163025154
Phone : 00986136225796
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Animal feed block (combination of bagasse and molasses)

Caron animal feed should be stored in dry warehouses away from moisture and heat, and the shelf life of this product is up to one year.
Soak the Caron feed (in block form) before consumption by sprinkling water on it and give it to the animal after it softens and changes its state (open). Was.
For better yield, this feed can be mixed with 15% concentrate or with other compounds such as wheat bran, barley flour, corn, or soybean meal and cotton seed in the form of a rich and tonic concentrate with a very high nutritional value in ruminant feed. consumed
After mixing the Karun feed with other food, you can use 3 to 4% bone powder or calcium phosphate along with a vitamin supplement to provide the required vitamins.
This feed is used as agricultural waste in the concentrate factory.
This feed is the best substitute for wood fodder instead of straw and stubble, which, due to its enrichment by molasses, has a much higher nutritional value than the consumption of wood fodder alone.
In order to maximize feed efficiency and absorb more into the animal's body, it is better to supply some of the animal's ration through some fodder such as alfalfa, clover, sudangrass, etc.
In the end, it is recommended to always provide a sufficient amount of clean and unpolluted water to the livestock.

Saler Company Information

Company : KCF
Mobile : 00989163025154
Phone : 00986136225796
More Information : View
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