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  • Address : Esfahan-Atashgah Junction-Second km of Isfahan-Najaf Abad Road-Towards the West Freight Terminal-End of Farhangian Street
  • About us : The Isfahan Food Industry Complex with brand name of “Aida”, established in 1338, is the first converted factories in Isfahan Province. The plant was equipped with ROSSI & CATELLI equipment purchased in 2003 and is currently one of the unrivaled factories in the country's food industry. The complex has provided sustainable economic development and reliable market creation ...
  • About us :

    The Isfahan Food Industry Complex with brand name of “Aida”, established in 1338, is the first converted factories in Isfahan Province. The plant was equipped with ROSSI & CATELLI equipment purchased in 2003 and is currently one of the unrivaled factories in the country's food industry. The complex has provided sustainable economic development and reliable market creation for Isfahan province and other provinces of the country, with annually converting 100,000 tons of tomatoes to tomato paste in different packages of aseptic, tin and can, and 50,000 tons of apple, 30,000 tons of peaches and apricots to fruit puree in the package of aseptic.
    The Isfahan Food Industry Complex is doing its best to ensure that tomato paste is produced and packaged with maintaining maximum beneficial properties of tomatoes especially lycopene (red pigment) and other existing antioxidants, in addition to viscosity and color, a healthy product, tasteful and free of any Heavy metals.
    The “fruit puree” product of this complex is one of the best fruit puree nymphs in the country and is used in various categories of foods including fruit roll-ups, sweetmeats, jam and juice.

Drinking water
Pickled cucumber
tomato paste
Salted olives
Mixed pickle
Sour sour