Sar gyroplane
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Sar gyroplane

Autogyro is an airplane that has been around for several decades and has an appearance between a plane and a helicopter, and is considered one of the helicopter birds. This device has blades or vanes in the upper part, which is called a rotor, and its main difference with a helicopter is that its rotor is rotated by aerodynamic forces and does not have a separate engine, and the forward movement of the device causes the rotor to rotate.

The engine of this device provides the necessary force for its horizontal movement, which causes the autogyro to rise. Among the advantages of the autogyro, we can point out the small distance required for landing and takeoff and the high safety of the flight in this device, to the extent that if the engine is lost, it can sit on the ground with a smooth flight. Due to its appearance, it behaves like an airplane and a helicopter, but it cannot remain stationary in the air like a helicopter.

This device was operated for the first time in Pravarpars company in 2012 under the license of Spain's ELA company, and in 2011, its Iranian model named SAR succeeded in obtaining a civil aviation certificate. Autogyro can take off and land on asphalt, grass and dirt. The space required to take off this device with a weight of about 400 kg is 100 meters and it can fly up to 10,000 feet and can land at a distance between 0 and 15 meters. The empty weight of the plane is 235 kg and the maximum take-off weight is 520 kg, and it has a flight duration of 400 km, and its tank has a capacity of 72 liters and has an engine with 115 horsepower.

Saler Company Information

Company : paravar pars
Phone : 00982177000031
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Sar gyroplane

Autogyro is an airplane that has been around for several decades and has an appearance between a plane and a helicopter, and is considered one of the helicopter birds. This device has blades or vanes in the upper part, which is called a rotor, and its main difference with a helicopter is that its rotor is rotated by aerodynamic forces and does not have a separate engine, and the forward movement of the device causes the rotor to rotate.

The engine of this device provides the necessary force for its horizontal movement, which causes the autogyro to rise. Among the advantages of the autogyro, we can point out the small distance required for landing and takeoff and the high safety of the flight in this device, to the extent that if the engine is lost, it can sit on the ground with a smooth flight. Due to its appearance, it behaves like an airplane and a helicopter, but it cannot remain stationary in the air like a helicopter.

This device was operated for the first time in Pravarpars company in 2012 under the license of Spain's ELA company, and in 2011, its Iranian model named SAR succeeded in obtaining a civil aviation certificate. Autogyro can take off and land on asphalt, grass and dirt. The space required to take off this device with a weight of about 400 kg is 100 meters and it can fly up to 10,000 feet and can land at a distance between 0 and 15 meters. The empty weight of the plane is 235 kg and the maximum take-off weight is 520 kg, and it has a flight duration of 400 km, and its tank has a capacity of 72 liters and has an engine with 115 horsepower.

Saler Company Information

Company : paravar pars
Phone : 00982177000031
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